24/7 Q&A Access

24/7 Q&A Access


Get 24-7 Q&A access to be able to use Tateki as your personal health, fitness and nutrition concierge whenever you would like.

Here’s how it works: 

You’ll be able to ask Tateki text or audio questions whenever you would like. Tateki then conveniently replies to you within 24 hours. This is very similar to having a live phone conversation but without the hassle or frustration of needing to schedule actual phone calls. Better yet, you can access Tateki and text when you can’t make a phone call or you have external background noise (e.g. at a dinner, party, concert, etc.), and much, much more. Many people who are “self-directed” and able to independently design their own training or nutrition plan using Tateki’s advice will use this service (along with occasional 30-60 minute live phone consultations) as a more budget-friendly alternative to Tateki’s VIP Coaching Program. It is highly recommended to pair this Q&A access with an initial 30-60 minute consultation with Tateki.

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