Welcome to the world “Lumi”


Life is so beautiful

Just made one step on my pathway to meaningful life.

Welcome to the world “Lumi”

7 pounds and 19inches

I am afraid of getting lawsuit by my daughter in the future if I post her face on internet, so just let you know my newborn and wife are healthy and safe.

To all women on this planet, please accept my deep respect for all of you. Women are so strong! My wife definitely got performance of the night. Although I can’t pay $50k for her , she should admire the fact that whatever I prepared for this fight camp worked very well. I thought 45mins, but the nurse told me that she took only 25mins after started pushing.

Kettlebell training? Breath work? My nutrition program? Whatever works great! Even though we didn’t have any birth plan, aka “go with flow”, I’m so glad that my wife did a natural birth without epidural and she did an amazing job!

but, I should have said at first and foremost, thank you so much for you love on my last post. We both were so energized for this moment and our hearts are filled with appreciation.

Much love

Kion Coffee