Biohacker’s Retreat 2024


Ibiza, Spain

Join Me at the Biohacker’s Retreat in Ibiza!

I’m excited to announce that I’ll join the Biohacker’s Retreat on the magical island of Ibiza from April 1-4, 2024. This retreat is a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in cutting-edge biohacking techniques and practices that can elevate your physical and mental performance to the next level.

Hosted by the renowned Biohacker’s Handbook authors Teemu Arina and Dr. Olli Sovijärvi and other leading experts like breathwork and cold exposure specialist Leigh Ewin, this retreat promises to be a transformative experience. You’ll learn how to optimize your day from morning to evening, with sessions focused on enhancing your nutrition, mastering breathwork, and pushing your limits with ice baths and nature hikes.

But this retreat is more than just a series of workshops—it’s an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals equally passionate about health and wellness. We’ll also be guided by talented ceremonial musicians like Mikko Heikinpoika, Sofia Magdalena, and Jani Toivonen, who will create a truly immersive atmosphere with experiences like cacao ceremonies and ecstatic dance.

This retreat will not be missed if you’re serious about upgrading your well-being and unlocking your full potential. And the best part? You can secure your spot this week at an impressive 20% off!

I look forward to seeing you in Ibiza, where we’ll dive deep into the world of biohacking together. Let’s take this transformation journey and become stronger, healthier, and more connected than ever.

For more details and to book your spot, check out the Biohacker’s Retreat website. Don’t wait—spaces are limited, and this is an experience you won’t want to miss!

Biohacker's Handbook (hardcover)