
sxsw tateki yogetsu 2024

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From Slack to SXSW: My Journey with Yogetsu Akasaka

In the summer of 2020, the world was in lockdown, and I took an online meditation class at MIT. It was a time of introspection, and like many others, I was trying to find some semblance of peace amidst the chaos. One day, during our discussions on mindfulness and zen, a classmate dropped a bombshell in our Slack channel—a video of a Zen Buddhist priest turned beatboxing sensation, Yogetsu Akasaka. The conversation went something like, "Tateki, do you know him?" My response was a simple "No," but little did I know, this brief exchange was the beginning of something much bigger.

Fast forward a year, and the universe, as it often does, decided it wasn’t done with us yet. Yogetsu and I serendipitously bumped into each other at Clubhouse. What started as a casual chat about meditation and music quickly spiraled into something more profound. Before I knew it, I invited him onto my podcast—not to talk solely about his music but about life’s strange synchronicities. It was as if the universe had orchestrated this meeting long before we realized it.

But why stop at a podcast? Soon, I introduced Yogetsu to my Biohacker Center team in Finland, and we decided to have him at the Biohacker Summit in Helsinki in 2022. Well, even though his viral YouTube already hit 4-5 million views, then, proudly, that was his international debut outside of Japan. Picture this: a Zen Buddhist priest, steeped in ancient traditions, standing on stage in the land of saunas and Northern Lights, dropping beats as if the very rhythms of the universe flowed through him. It was as epic as it sounds and only the beginning.

Fast forward to 2024, and here we are, cruising through the wild rollercoaster of managing an artist who’s as much a dream chaser as I am. SXSW 2024? Just another day in the office—if your office happens to be one of the biggest stages for creatives from around the globe.

tateki matsuda SXSW2024 convention center

Our time in Austin, Texas, was nothing short of extraordinary. Yogetsu’s performance was a highlight, but there was so much more. We took the time to explore the exhibitions at the convention center, where the latest in tech, art, and culture converged in a dazzling display of creativity and innovation. Each booth and demo was a reminder of the boundless human potential, a perfect complement to Yogetsu’s unique blend of tradition and innovation.


But SXSW isn’t just about the performances and the tech—it’s also about the culture, and in Texas, that means BBQ. We went to Terry Black's Barbecue, a legendary spot known for mouth-watering meats. The smoky aroma of brisket and ribs greeted us as we entered, and the following meal was nothing short of spectacular. There’s something about sharing a hearty meal that brings people closer, and this was no exception. It was a moment to pause, savor, and reflect on how far we’d come—from a chance encounter online to sharing a meal in the heart of Texas.

Our next stop was Onnit, a place close to my heart as my former sponsor. Visiting Onnit was like coming full circle. It was a chance to reconnect with the brand that supported me in my journey as an athlete and now as a manager. Seeing the team and exploring their latest innovations in fitness and wellness felt like a nod from the universe, affirming that we were on the right path.

SXSW 2024 was more than just an event; it was a culmination of years of hard work, serendipity, and a shared vision for something greater. From meditation classes at MIT to the global stages of SXSW, who would’ve thought? Well, besides the universe. It’s a wild ride, managing an artist who defies conventional categorization—a Zen Buddhist priest who’s as much a musician as he is a spiritual guide. But that’s what makes this journey so incredible.

So here’s to the wild ride, the dream chasing, and the accidental yet somehow predestined journey from Slack to the spotlight. Managing Yogetsu Akasaka isn’t just a job; it’s an adventure filled with unexpected twists, plenty of laughs, and maybe a few deep breaths along the way. Onwards to the next level—we’re just getting started.



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