Biohacker Summit Helsinki 2024: A Landmark Event with Team Japan

Team Japan on stage at Biohacker Summit Helsinki 2024

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Biohacker Summit Helsinki 2024: A Landmark Event with Team Japan and Global Collaborations

The Biohacker Summit Helsinki 2024 was a truly spectacular event. As one of the organizers, a professional MMA fighter, and a passionate biohacker, I couldn’t have been prouder of how this event unfolded. The atmosphere was not just charged with innovation and collaboration but also with a shared mission that connected us all to the mission of optimizing human potential.

This year’s summit was special for Team Japan, which reunited for the event. Zen Takai, Yogetsu Akasaka, my wife Nao Matsuda, and Chloe O’Neil joined forces to bring a unique cultural and spiritual energy to the summit. It was a pleasure to work alongside such dedicated individuals who are not only biohackers but also embody the essence of Japanese traditions.

The Presence of Relive: A Game-Changing Innovation

A critical moment for us this year was the arrival of Mr. Sasaki from Relive, a company that’s revolutionizing wearable tech. Relive, set to be the crown sponsor for Biohacker Summit Tokyo, made waves in Helsinki. Mr. Sasaki had several influencers and speakers try on the Relive T-shirts, including Siim Land, Shawn Wells, and Laura Hof. The reactions were priceless—each expressed disbelief at how this seemingly simple T-shirt could make them feel more flexible, stronger, and better aligned. The technology embedded within these shirts took biohacking to another level, sparking excitement for its future role in Japan’s biohacking scene.

Corrective Exercises at the Sanctuary: Reconnecting Body and Mind

In the Sanctuary, I led a session on corrective exercises, a cornerstone of my philosophy on physical optimization. My focus was to help participants reconnect with their bodies, addressing posture imbalances and mobility issues. It was inspiring to see the participants embrace these exercises, many of whom commented on how empowered they felt, no longer dependent on external therapies like massages. This kind of feedback drives me—it’s about giving people the tools to take charge of their health.

This is almost an iconic event, “afterparty,” in Helsinki. Imagine an ecstatic beach party at 26 degrees on white sand with palm trees swaying and the rhythm of dance filling the air. Shorts, DJs, saunas, and conscious people come together to celebrate life and music. Our Conscious Dance features a live concert filled with sounds inspired by indigenous tribes, sacred monasteries, electronic music, trance, and breaks. Ethereal soundscapes, embodied movement, and subliminal frequencies - Conscious Dance’s purest essence.

We have live canopies of sound inspired by various cultures, flowing seamlessly from the Amazonian jungle to the zen of Japan. This took place at 4th underground in the Mall of Tripla.

Zen Takai Yogetsu Akasaka samurai monk

Samurai Monk!

Don william Olli

Don William & Doctor Olli


My daughter accidentally stepped on the stage

An Epic Closing Ceremony: A Fusion of Traditions

The closing ceremony was an influential cultural moment that will be remembered for years. Zen Takai performed a mesmerizing samurai sword demonstration, while Yogetsu Akasaka played his soulful handpan, and Ken Mai delivered a profound Butoh dance. Team Japan was honored to collaborate with incredible artists such as Mikko Heikinpoika, Vaskilintu (Magdalena Sofia), and Don William from the Cocama lineage of Peru, along with his wife Nila and daughter Shanty. Together, we created a fusion of ancient traditions, modern biohacking, and global influences that exemplified the spirit of unity the summit aims to foster.

Biohacker Summit Tokyo announcement

Looking Ahead: Biohacker Summit Tokyo

The night's highlight came after the closing ceremony when Teemu Arina and I stepped on stage to announce the next significant milestone: Biohacker Summit Tokyo. This will be the first Biohacker Summit in Asia, and we couldn’t be more excited to bring this event to Japan. We announced to an eager crowd that this summit would be a new era for biohacking, merging the East's wisdom with the West's cutting-edge technologies. With its rich wellness, mindfulness, and discipline tradition, Japan is the perfect place to host such a forward-thinking event.

The Biohacker Summit Helsinki 2024 was a resounding success, but it’s only the beginning. As we set our sights on Tokyo, we are ready to elevate biohacking to new heights, blending technology, science, and ancient wisdom in the Land of the Rising Sun.

Optimized Day Workshop

Helsinki 2024

Upgraded Dinner

Helsinki 2024

Upgraded Offsite

Helsinki 2024



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