MMA Fight Prep 1
If you know anything about contact sports, you probably agree that having a strong mid-section is not a terrible thing. Core strength is a must in MMA, and coaches and athletes all agree that your core cannot be too strong.
Here are core training exercises for fighters. These specific drills are high-tension drills. Be careful not to perform excessive volume, or you’ll be sore for days.
Here are some cues for suitcase isometric holds:
Start with a kettlebell or dumbbell in one hand.
Stand with your feet together, posture tall, shoulders back and down, and ribcage centered over your pelvis.
Pull the weight slightly off of your quad about 1-2 inches. (When doing this, nothing should move!)
This exercise is excellent for your grip, forearms, obliques, lats, triceps, and opposite QL.
A great starting point for men is a 24k kettlebell and woman a 16k kettlebell. Obviously, if either of these weights is easy or incredibly tough, adjust accordingly.
Perform 3-5 sets of 15 holds on each side.