Biohacker Summit Helsinki 2022


Coupon Code TATEKI

My Presentation: Japanese Way of Biohacking for Wellbeing

My presentation at the summit was centered around my approach to biohacking for well-being, deeply influenced by my Japanese heritage and the principles of Bushido, the way of the samurai. I started the session with a series of warm-up exercises designed to relieve tension and improve shoulder and neck mobility. These exercises, I believe, are a simple but effective way to start the journey toward optimized health.

I then shared my background as an MMA fighter and biohacker. I studied sports movement science and applied nutrition and hold certifications in Functional Movement Systems and Kettlebell training. I also represent the Biohacker Center in Japan, bringing the biohacking movement to my home country.

One of the critical points I emphasized was the importance of individualized approaches to diet and lifestyle. I cited a study that showed high interpersonal variability in post-meal glucose levels, underscoring that there's no one-size-fits-all diet. Instead, I encourage self-quantification, self-experimentation, and trial and error to find personal optimization.

The heart of my presentation was introducing the concept of "Ikigai"” a Japanese term meaning "reason for being". Understanding one's Ikigai, I believe, is crucial for well-being. I also delved into the principles of Bushido, which include justice, courage, benevolence, respect, honesty, honor, and loyalty. These principles are deeply ingrained in my heart and influence my approach to life and biohacking.

Show notes

Exhibition Highlights

The Biohacker Summit was not just about the presentations; the exhibition area was a treasure trove of the latest and greatest in biohacking technology and innovation. From cutting-edge supplements to advanced sleep-tracking devices, the exhibition area was a testament to the rapid advancements in biohacking.

The Biohacker Summit Helsinki 2022 was a resounding success. It was an incredible gathering of like-minded individuals passionate about optimizing their health and well-being. The presentations were insightful and thought-provoking, and the exhibition area showcased the best in biohacking technology and innovation.

Thanks for coming from Ukraine

The summit was not just about learning; it was also about community. Seeing so many people from different backgrounds come together with a shared passion for biohacking was inspiring. The energy was palpable, and the exchange of ideas was truly enriching.

Also, I have been to all side events, so read my experience below.

Optimized Day Workshop

Helsinki 2022

Upgraded Dinner HElsinki 2022

Upgraded Dinner

Helsinki 2022

Upgraded Offsite

Helsinki 2022


Biohacker Summit Helsinki 2022 was an unforgettable experience. It was a reminder of the power of biohacking and the importance of understanding one's own well-being. My well-being and well-doing made the perfect shape in Helsinki, and I cannot wait to have biohackers in my country, the country of the rising sun, worldwide. I am already looking forward to the next summit and hope to see you there!

Finland and Japan!



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