Week 8 & 9


Passed week 9 since surgery. I was very afraid of throwing a left hook, but it was stronger than expected. Can’t imagine. I’m very ahead of schedule, so I never want to put myself behind. Be smart…Tec


Tube training reminds my body of how my shoulder works for the whole body before injured. I need to train at the same speed I compete. It is not important how many times I do push up, but the core and glute activation.


My trainer Deven explains how each workout help my muscle and motor system.


GOAT’s toy box is right here!




and I got some too!



Once you have a problem somewhere, it affects everything and, of course, on the whole body’s strength and speed capacity. Dance with tube all day baby.


Shadowbox is now my main workout. I am very confident at open chain workout and actually do feel my speed.


However, stability work makes me feel weak. Deven hits a medicine ball at random and I have to keep the ball in the middle. Hummmm, I need to work on this!!  Well, my body is like a Lamborghini without brake. I don’t want an accident again, so will fix my brake. 


Chill out with my bird, Rio (pronounce “He Oh”). she sleeps on my shoulder, arm, everywhere. She makes my downtime calm and relaxed. She is the cutest bird ever!! I feel bad about wild sparrows outside. How can they survive in New England winter?  

Coming back slowly, but being with smart people and great support. I can’t describe how much I receive. 

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