Week 3


It has been 3 weeks since surgery. I have to put my arm in sling for another 3 weeks when I sleep. All stitchers are removed, and my body cells are going to eat up some of them! 

Try to stay active, but my workout activity is very limited. Sleeping is very uncomfortable after shoulder surgery. I use pillows around the shoulder to make support for them to get comfortable. Alternatively, to find a more comfortable position, I elect to sleep in a reclining chair, depending on how I feel.

After surgery, my arm is placed in a shoulder sling, which I am supposed to use for four weeks. Doctor told me that I sleep in the sling for a total of 6 weeks after surgery. Yes, sounds a nightmare, doesn't it?

The full range of motion is regained by 2-3 months after surgery, although it can take longer for some cases. Lightweight training can usually begin at 2 months after surgery, and full return to all activities is usually at 6 months after surgery. This is a long rehab journey. No therapy for at least 4 weeks because the doctor is afraid that movement will snap the bone. Then, 5-6 weeks of physical therapy.

All the above is what I was told by my doctor and my rehab protocol. I want to complete recovery, but don't want to be passive and waste my time. I will do my best for my recovery.

my strategies for quick recovery

Cryotherapy is a recovery method I use every day (in the form of morning and evening cold showers and cold soaks in the bathtub. The benefits of all these forms of “cryotherapy” include enhanced immune system, increased cell longevity, decreased level of inflammatory molecules such as interleukin-6,

Fasting While the majority of post-workout sports nutrition recommendations tell you to shove carbohydrates and protein down your gullet as soon as possible after you finish a workout (which has merit in some cases, as you’ll learn in this book’s section on nutrition), there is quite a bit of evidence that fasting can also have a recovery effect.

Anti-Inflammatory Diet

It is especially crucial for injured or recovering athletes to avoid inflammatory foods. One huge pet peeve of mine is to see an athlete “pulling out all the stops” to fix a hip, knee, shoulder or low back injury, or fighting constant joint soreness – all while eating huge whole wheat bread sandwiches, drinking sugary sports drinks, and consuming multiple cups of coffee every morning.

Fish Oil

While omega-6 fatty acids found in compounds such as vegetable oils and heated seeds, nut and nut butter can produce eicosanoids that are pro-inflammatory (especially when eaten in the quantity that many endurance athletes tend to eat these items), omega-3 fatty acids found in sources such as coldwater fish, algae and fish oil are anti-inflammatory


Curcumin is the principal compound you see in the popular Indian spice turmeric (which happens to be a member of the anti-inflammatory ginger family). It is a widely recognized herbal anti-inflammatory that has proven in studies to be as effective in reducing inflammation as injectable cortisone. Curcuminoids, which are extracted from turmeric, are the sub-particles that makeup curcumin and have been found to be potent COX2 inhibitors – without damaging the gut in the same way as something like ibuprofen


You’ve probably heard of an Epsom salts bath for decreasing muscle soreness, enhancing relaxation, and displacing many of the calcium ions that can accumulate in muscle tissue during workouts. This is because Epsom salts deliver magnesium sulfate, which is the active compound that causes the effects listed above. However, concentrated magnesium chloride is even more effective than Epsom salts.

My rehab life...


I took a walk in my neighborhood and found local organic verges. There you go! Are you vegan? Sometimes...


My little cute bird Rio enjoys a coffee break with me. I appreciate this time with her. Please ignore a small white poop💩 


I eat smoothies. Love very thick dark green stuff.


It has been an interesting 3 weeks so far, learning to navigate life with one arm. It’s amazing to realize how many everyday movements involve or implicate my shoulder in my life. I still teach my private clients with one arm.

Thanks for all my sponsors. They have been helping me even though I was pulled out from scheduled fight. I am going to rehab with them, so please stay tuned to see how I hack my recovery speed and process with products they provide.

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