Sketch Now Think Later
Too many things going on this weekend... earth-day, march for science, anniversary, housewarming, and sunny weather. How was yours? Mine was very interesting because I did sketching for the first time and got taught by one of urban sketchers, Mike Daikubara. It was such a amazing time! I finally had an opportunity to learn how to sketch from him. We had branch together and Mike introduced the concept of " Sketch Now Think Later" concept. In short, his style is perfect for those who are busy, but want to sketch better. Doesn't have to be perfect. Just sketch what you want and what you see first.
Let’s see how I did it
According to Mike, cafe is kind a good to start. It seems that there is too much information, but I can pick what I want to sketch and create my own world and vision. Obviously my feeling of distance and each dimension is out of control. In my sketch book, an object is too big and another one is too small.
However I have no idea about what I'm doing, Mike gave me advice that I can make my own world and view point, and he suggested that I should sketch on space available.
Here is quick start guide I learned from him.
1) Find a Subject
Find a subject you really want to sketch.
Roughly imagine how you’d like to fit the sketch on your page.Understand the theme/focus of your sketch (e.g., in this example I was attracted to the pigeon on the structure and the flock of birds on the ground).
2) Start Sketching
Sketch mostly in contour. Keep the lines simple.
Don’t spend too much time looking for the perfect angle. Find a nice, safe spot and start sketching.
Use thin/thick lines with a Fude pen. Add some surrounding details. Start sketching from the closest object, working backward. Don’t overdo it.
If the sketch doesn’t match your original thinking on the page, don’t worry about it. It happens all the time, so just keep on sketching.
3) Color
Jump right into coloring.
Use water brush only.
Use straight color.
Keep mixing of colors to a minimum.
4) Finish Later (optional)
If you run out of time, take a photo of your scene and finish the sketch later.
You can add annotation, extra color, graphics, and stamps.
My brand new color palette! Time to put color
My first sketch..
It was nice out, so we took a walk in the city. Well, we stopped by in front of a church and decided that this is our second object. Sweet... this won't be easy at all.
Mike does his thing like lightning. He never stoped his hands and kept sketching. Yes, he is really doing” sketch now think later.” My master doesn’t teach me, but show me how. Hats off to him.
I got 20mins to sketch. That was nothing. I felt it like 30 seconds. Draft was made within 20 seconds, and we put color later at my house. I like the concept that sketching mush happen without thinking, but other things such as coloring are not strict because we all are busy. Plus this flexibility makes my sketch rule more casual. It is a great way for beginner with tons of excuses.
Everyone wishes they could sketch stylish scenes, but busy lives leave almost no room for sitting down with a pad and pen to practicing. Many people give up on their potential hobby (and artistic outlet) because they feel they just don't have the time to lay the groundwork. All you need is a strategy for incorporate sketching into your daily life.
Sketch Now, Think Later covers the tools, techniques and tips that author and Urban Sketching Correspondent of Boston Mike Daikubara has developed in his more than 15 years as a practicing artist, and will show you how to fully dive into any sketching situation with limited time and tools, and still be able to produce memorable, great looking, fun sketches!Limited time, own vision, own world came out on my sketch book. This reminds me of fighting situation where reaction comes first more than anything. Skills, technique and strategies make me think too much and it gets close to picture we took on smartphone. Trying to be perfect sometimes gets me away from being pure. I didn't try to be a "skilled sketcher", but my mind was busy enough to cover everything I see. I have been away from being pure like a little kid who is crazy and curious about what I'm interested in. Adult mind sometimes give us a foggy brain. Yes, it was a fresh opportunity to train my brain to be in a moment.
If you're a seasoned sketcher or a raw beginner, there is a lot of info and inspiration here. I strongly recommend you getting one.
Hope you guys enjoyed weekend.