Rio 13 -Recovery Day-


Rio is in deep sleep. She loves to stay on my shoulder or thigh when I do PC work.  She is sleeping hard! Wish I can sleep like her for my full recovery. On Sunday, usually my body is beat up. Today was an active recovery day. I did kettlebell arm-bar and Turkish get-up in the morning. Work on the desk a little bit and then off to acupuncture and hot tub therapy. 


I feel so good after kettlebell drill. This is life changing skills. I want to help many people as much as I can in the future. Rio chan did it together. Isn't she cute? Every time I do yoga or stretch my body, she flies in and stay somewhere on my body.


Another week, another victory for patriots. Sunday football is MUST for New England residents. Tom Brady played really well and After all, the victory was the 200th of his career. I was so excited, but she was sleeping.


Yeah!! Pats won! Time to eat! She is like..."hey tateki, put more salt! " I love to cook with her. one day I want to post Tatekitchen with Rio. She is always with me when I'm in kitchen. Love this picture because we look same.

How was your Sunday? Still tired from eating or shopping? 


Check out Tatekitechen page. This is grain free, gluten free, paleo, whatever you name it, pasta. What's inside? Well, Superfoods are hemp seeds, gojiberries, almonds and tons of spice. I need anti inflammatory food for recovery day.


She is waiting for me waking up in the morning. Best alarm ever.


Time to go to bed. Good night 💤 Rio chan nite nite

Kion Coffee