Gluten Free Challenge 3


I put my homemade porchetta and spring asparagus with pasta in a pan.



Garbanzo & Fava Flour

People usually stay away from soy because of high estrogen food, but it has some nutritious advantages such as high protein and fiber. However I am very careful about soy product especially choosing organi products. GMO soy gives us really bad influence.

Bean Pasta

I made homemade garbanzo bean pasta. This is gluten free and grain free pasta.


Research on fight camp diet on weekend....

Just wanna have more options during fight camp, so this is what I made.

Hey Tek! MMA Fighter's diet should be dairy free. I know I know, but I love cheese. I picked Pecorino Romano, which is made of raw sheep milk. Casein from sheep milk is much easier to digest and those who have lactose intolerance shows less allergy reaction. I think I can still eat some sheep and goat cheese during fight camp.


I'll try with cassava flour next time. Eating vegetable with vegetables is the best way to get healthier and better condition.